Through Time and Space

Our living space has shrunk while time has expanded

“Through Time and Space ”: the title of the program refers to the special conditions that took place during the health crisis – our living space has shrunk while time has expanded. We were obliged to reinvent contacts, habits, freedoms. During the pandemic, we tried in many ways to maintain our social life: singing on balconies, virtual ‘dates’ for drinks, remote concerts and performances, etc.

What about us: Youth workers and workers in the fields of art and culture? Lost in our computers, we looked for ways to continue our work in conditions of forced shutdown/lockdown. We tried to maintain contact with our audience, students, members and volunteers, who were often on the ‘opposite’ side of this discontinuity.

This was exactly the goal of the specific program: to cross space and time through transnational cooperation and our ‘virtual’ activities and to meet again approximately two years later, with the hope that the pandemic adventure would be over by that time.

Through online meetings we planned our local actions and our way of working remotely. Our goal was to create original activities by combining the disciplines in which each organization is specialized. Zorro et Compagnies (France, theater) collaborated with La Paranza (Italy, music) in the creation of songs (lyrics, composition, performance). Kavilia collaborated with Digijeunes (France, educational robotics) in the implementation of an educational program with elementary school students both in France and Greece. Our goal was to create analog wooden Automata combined with digital applications. In September 2022, as the pandemic had retreated, the four organizations along with young people 15–30 years old from France, Italy and Greece met in Laguepie (France) and exchanged educational tools and skills. We shared our experience of the program, got to know each other better and had a great time!


A few words about Kavilia’s collaboration with Digijeunes

The children’s groups worked on the same objectives in different countries (Greece, France) and met twice via zoom.

The story we chose to represent (Welcome, Stephan Barroux) is about two current and crucial issues: climate change and refugees. The analog construction of an automaton for each scene was shot on digital video. At the same time, the physical exhibition of the Automata-Scenes of the story is accompanied by a digital application that allows visitors to listen to the audio and understand the plot.

Project Date


Project images

Laguepie meeting

Partners on Zoom meeting

Partners Zoom Meeting

The project “Through time and space” (Erasmus +, KA2, 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018645) was implemented in the years 2021–22.

4 organisations from 3 different countries worked together. Zorro et Compagnies (France, theatre), Digijeunes (France, educational robotics), Kavilia (Greece, educational woodworking and visual arts) and La Paranza (Italy, music).
Logos Erasmus+ Through Time And Space